Representative Jason Chaffetz has floated the idea of giving our representatives a $2,500 a month housing allowance, so that they can actually procure a room with walls and a bed.
The proposal by Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner would attempt to foster competition in the secondary mortgage market.
Unlike other retail landlords that have come under pressure as consumers shop more online, Store focuses on what it calls service properties: preschool facilities, health clubs, dine-in movie theaters and pet-care sites.
Some investors argue that capping taxpayer rescue funds, while releasing Fannie and Freddie to private shareholders like Paulson could upend the $5 trillion market for the bonds they issue.
“From beginning to end, it could be a 10-year process,” Bruce Berkowitz, whose Fairholme Fund holds one of the largest stakes in the mortgage-finance giants, said in a June 16 interview.