In retail development, like politics, spin is everything. That's why developer Ben Devine found time in his busy schedule to sip cider at a Maine senior center one Saturday, pressing the flesh, explaining his...
Gary Safady's working the crowd hard. Animated and tieless, he's manning the O&S Holdings booth at a jammed ICSC conference in New York, touting the attractions of his company's big new developments, Louisiana...
Nicholas Pritzker had nothing but brains and energy when he came to America from Kiev in 1881 as a ten-year-old. More than a century later, his heirs sat atop a $15 billion enterprise built on real estate development...
Downtown Wichita's Arkansas River isn't much of a tourist attraction, but wait three or four years. If all goes as planned, the blighted waterfront will become 30 acres of mixed-use development called WaterWalk — a ...
A $1.7 billion hostile-takeover fracas kept the REIT world buzzing for months. Discounters made still more gains, even as some big-name retailers sank into bankruptcy. And through it all, retail real estate was among...
Robert K. Futterman's gung ho nature has brought him a long way. From his start as an entry-level canvasser 20 years ago for New York retail broker Garrick-Aug Associates, Futterman rose to salesman, broker, then...
It once seemed as if Gap would grow forever. Shoppers couldn't get enough of the clothing that CEO Mickey Drexler's merchandising machine offered — jeans and chinos in every imaginable style, loose button-downs in...
Maybe they're bored with casual Fridays, or maybe their old threads are getting snug around the breadbasket. Whatever the reason, men are doing something they haven't done in years: They're buying suits. Between June...
Folks visiting Rock Springs, Wyo., might be surprised to see what filled a long-vacant anchor spot at the White Mountain Mall. It’s the country’s first mall-based Harley-Davidson dealership—an acre of biker bait, with...
Don't tell David Lichtenstein that fast is always better. He just worked for five long years to close on three New Jersey shopping centers that he calls “environmentally challenged.” He endured endless aggravation to...