The industrial property sector is posting continuous gains, joining in on the commercial real estate recovery with low vacancy rates and rising rents...
For a while, it looked like the U.S. office market had once again become the landlords’ playground, at least in core cities. But overbuilding could upset this trend, giving more negotiating power back to office...
Office and industrial properties achieved full recovery nationwide by the second half of 2014, with cap rates compressing and prices skyrocketing. This is pushing investors to either reposition existing gems in their...
Vacancy has increased in one of the top U.S. office markets, Washington, D.C., but at least one expert says the drop is just a minor blip that signifies investors should seize on properties while they can...
With the cork finally having been pulled from capital for new construction, seniors housing occupancy inched slowly upward in the second quarter. While talk of overbuilding—not yet really even a threat—has...
There’s no question that investor demand for low-acuity health care just keeps going up, with memory care property far out in the lead—almost three out of four properties under construction include...
For over three decades, the U.S. Energy Information Administration has conducted surveys of commercial building size to better gauge energy use, with the results being almost always the same—more buildings, more...
Demand for office space rebounded in the second quarter, but overbuilding now threatens a few major markets. Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston in Texas are prime examples of this trend, but experts say that continued...
While major U.S. office markets still haven’t made the list for the world’s top 10 most expensive rents, the country leads in having the fastest-growing occupancy costs...
The Northeast is witnessing a peak of medical office building (MOB) construction, with 43 active projects valued at $2.9 billion, according to a new study released by Revista, an Annapolis, Md.-based consulting firm...