Consider this my first official at-bat, my debut post here in this forum. For those of you I haven't met or spoken to yet, I started with Lodging Hospitality in November after working as a sports editor for a small daily paper in Ohio (hence the lame sports cliché).
I handle putting together the LH eReport every two weeks and posting editorial content to, so I thought it might be wise to introduce myself to you, our online reader. I'll also be making an appearance in this space when the mood strikes, blogging about our fine industry.
I can't say I'm an expert on it yet—is that even possible?—but I've had a lot of fun getting to know everyone and learning about lodging. As I've told anyone that's asked, and a few people that haven't, this industry is a blast to cover. Not surprisingly, most hoteliers are pretty outgoing and hospitable people; and with as many different companies, brands and owners out there, there really aren't too many trade secrets. Put it this way, you're a lot less guarded than that high school football coach who wouldn't return my calls or tell me about his revolutionary Wing-T offense for fear that I might give away his secrets.
OK, that's the last reference to sports, I promise. I welcome any and all comments, critiques and suggestions on ways we can improve either this newsletter or our new website. Both have immensely improved in the past few months, but tweaks and upgrades will continue until we have them perfected. Input from you is invaluable, so please feel free to email me anytime at I also handle the design beat for the magazine, so send any news or ideas on that front to me as well.
I look forward to hearing from you.