Beverly Hills WHE ASSOCIATES INC. #393, 345 N. Maple Dr. 90210 310 274-7828; Fax: 310 276-9730
Emeryville LIQUIDITY FINANCIAL GROUP Ste. 700, 2200 Powell St. 94608 510 596-3200 Fax: 510 596-3299
Glendale AMERICAN REALTY ADVISORS Ste. 300, 700 N. Brand Blvd. 91203 818 545-1152 Fax: 818 545-8460
Los Angeles AMINOFF & CO. Ste. 1420,1800 Ave. of the Stars 90067 310 201-9600 Fax: 310 201 -4311
(a) CARLTON PROPERTIES INC. Ste. 1420, 1800 Ave. of the Stars 90067 310 201-9600 Fax: 310 201-4311
THE MAYER GROUP Ste.106, 2265 Westwood Blvd. 90064 310 286-7847 Fax: 310 286-7849
WALD NICKELL REALTY ADVISORS E Loft, 860 Via de la Paz Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310 459-4141 Fax: 310 459-3411
Advisors - Asset Managers. A single source for strategic planning, acquisition, disposition,leasing, and fee development.
ALAN P. WOLLMAN, INC. 12224 Victoria Ave. 90066 310 268-2452; Fax: 310 268-2472
THE YARMOUTH GROUP, INC. Ste. 1590, 725 S. Figueroa St. 90017 213 955-7979
Newport Beach KOLL: THE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 4343 Von Karman Ave. 92660 714 833-9360 Fax: 714 851-6895
PM REALTY ADVISORS 800 Newport Center Dr. 92660 714 721-5000; Fax: 714 721-5089
Orange BUILDING INDUSTRY ADVISORS CAPITAL CORP. Ste.165, 777 S. Main St. 92668 714 252-1992; Fax: 714 973-1960
San Francisco AMB INSTITUTIONAL REALTY ADVISORS, INC. 5th Fl., 505 Montgomery St. 94111 415 394-9000 Fax: 415 394-9001
GE CAPITAL INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC. Ste. 2100, 444 Market St. 94111 415 433-7770, Fax: 415 398-1237
MELLON/McMAHAN REAL ESTATE ADVISORS, INC. Ste. 2100, 444 Market St. 94111 415 433-7770; Fax: 415 398-1237
METRIC REALTY Ste. 1400, One California St. 94111 415 678-2000 Fax: 415 678-2200
THE ROUPP GROUP AKA ALBERT A. ROUPP ASSOCS. INC. Ste. 600, 221 Main St. 94105 415 243-3885 Fax: 415 882-9261
THE RREEF FUNDS Ste. 1800, 650 California St. 94108 415 781-3300; Fax: 415 391-9015
TRANSAMERICA REALTY SVCS. 600 Montgomery St. 94111 415 983-5420; Fax: 415 983-5559
THE YARMOUTH GROUP, INC. Ste. 2101, One Embarcadero Center 94111 415 392-1090
Glastonbury BATTERYMARCH: AGRIVEST 500 Winding Brook Dr. 06033 860 659-3711; Fax: 860 657-8461
Greenwich GREYSTONE REALTY CORP. Two Pickwick Plaza 06830 203 629-1166 Fax: 203 629-9859
Hartford ALLEGIS REALTY INVESTORS LLC 242 Trumbull St. 06103-1205 860 275-3080 Fax: 860 275-4225
CAMBRIDGE REALTY PARTNERS 750 Main St. 06103 203 727-1854
PHOENIX REALTY 38 Prospect St. 06115 860 403-5298; Fax: 860 403-7270
Stamtord ARES HOLDINGS, INC. One Atlantic St. 06901 203 352-1500 Fax: 203 323-0438
ASB CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 1101 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. 20004 202 383-6300 Fax: 202 347-4959
Coral Gables IBEX INSTITUTIONAL ADVISORS 2333 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 33134 305 447-8697; Fax: 305 445-1015
Atlanta EQUITABLE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INC. 1150 Lake Hearn Dr., N.E. 30342 404 848-8600 Web Site: http://www.equite.com
The nation's leading real estate advisor to pension funds, with more than $25 billion in total assets under management and offices nationwide.
INSIGNIA MORTGAGE & INVST. CO. Ste. 440, 100 Ashtord Ctr. N. 30338 770 393-1134 Fax: 770 698-66Z2
RAYMOND JAMES REALTY ADVISORS, INC. Ste. 1500, 7000 Central Pky. 30328 770 551-0007 Fax: 770 551-0480
Acquiring institutional apartment properties throughout the U.S. Please contact Bob Morris or David Gutting.
THE PARTHENON GROUP Ste. 200, 225 Peachtree St. 30303 404 654-1234; Fax: 404 654-1250
THE YARMOUTH GROUP, INC. Ste. 3200, One Atlanta Plaza 950 E. Paces Ferry Rd. 30326 404 231-0400
Chicago COMMONWEALTH REALTY ADVISORS, INC. Ste. 1800, 541 N. Fairbanks Ct. 60611 312 464-0136 Fax: 312 464-9711
Commonwealth Realty Advisors, Inc. is a national real estate investment advisory firm registered with the Securities Exchange Comission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, providing fiduciary real estate investment services to institutional investors.
DRAPER AND KRAMER, INC. 33 W. Monroe St. 60603-5486 312 346-8600 Fax: 312 541-9503
HEITMAN CAPITAL MGT. CORP. Ste. 3600, 180 N. LaSalle St. 60601 312 855-5700
ALLAN KORETZ & ASSOCS. 1358 N. Dearborn St. 60610-2006 312 266-0832; Fax: 312 266-0857
LASALLE PARTNERS 200 E. Randolph Dr. 60601 312 782-5800
THE YARMOUTH GROUP, INC. Ste. 1300, Two Prudential Plaza 180 N. Stetson St. 60601 312 861-0388
Northfield THE ROUPP GROUP aka ALBERT A. ROUPP ASSOCS. INC. Ste. 2700, 550 Frontage Rd. 60093-1212 847 441-0123 Fax: 847 441-0110
Des Moines THE PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP 711 High St. 50392 515 247-6241; Fax: 515 248-8090
Baltimore COLLIERS PINKARD 7 E. Redwood St. 21202 410 752-4285 Fax: 410 576-9031
Boston ALDRICH EASTMAN WALTCH 225 Franklin St. 02110 617 261-9000 Fax: 617 261-9555
AEW designs and executes investment strategies within and across the public and private real estate debt and equity markets. Using a systematic market-by-market approach, we exploit market anomalies to meet clients' specific risk/return objectives.
AMRESCO ADVISORS, INC. 265 Franklin St., 18th Fl. 02110 617 526-8800 Fax: 617 526-8810 Web Site: http:/lwww.amresco.com
BOSTON FINANCIAL 101 Arch St. 02110 617 439-3911 Fax: 617 772-9412
COPLEY REAL ESTATE ADVISORS 399 Boylston St. 02116 617 578-1200 Fax: 617 578-5524
Saint Louis DISBURSEMENT ADVISORS, INC. Ste. 340, 7701 Forsyth Blvd. 63105 314 726-0100; Fax: 314 726-0114
West Lebanon RESOURCE INVSTS., INC. Trade Ctr., Box 24, 24 Airport Rd. 03784 603 298-7001; Fax: 603 298-7620
Navesink ASSOCIATED R.E. ADVISORS, INC. (AREA) P.O. Box 621 07752 908 872-0400; Fax: 908 872-7133
Parsippany PRUDENTIAL PRIVATE ASSET MANAGEMENT GROUP-REAL ESTATE 8 Campus Dr., 1st. Street 07054-4493 201 734-1300 Fax: 201 083-1790
New York City BERKSHIRE CAPITAL CORP. 28th Fl., 399 Park Ave.10022 212 207-1000; Fax: 212 207-1019
CAPSTAR PARTNERS, INC. 40 E. 52nd St.10022 212 339-4200; Fax: 212 339-4225
EQUINOX REALTY ADVISORS, INC. #1618, 342 Madison Ave. 10173 212 922-1843 Fax: 212 922-1846
FRIEDMAN ALPREN & GREEN 1700 Broadway 10019 212 582-1600; Fax: 212 265-4761
THE O'CONNOR GROUP 399 Park Ave. 10022 212 308-7700 Fax: 212 308-7880
A real estate investment and operating company investing in core and opportunistic projects where value can be added through management, development, financing and leasing.
SCHRODER REAL ESTATE ASSOCS. 437 Madison Ave. 10022 212 940-3600; Fax: 212 644-2790
TRITON INT'L INVST. MOT., INC. 4th Fl., 545 Madison Ave.10022 212 752-1370; Fax: 212 752-1605
THE YARMOUTH GROUP, INC. Swiss Bank Tower, 10 E. 50th St. 10022 212 355-4810
Charlotte ROYCOM ADVISORS U.S. LTD. Ste. 200, 6201 Fairview Rd. 28210 704 554-9177; Fax: 704 554-9178
Winston-Salem WACHOVIA BANK OF NC, N.A. 5th Fl., West, 301 N. Main St. 27150 919 770-6892
Philadelphia JACKSON-CROSS.ONCOR INTERNATIONAL J. Richard Jones, President and CEO 1800 John F. Kennedy Blvd. 19103-7478 215 561-8950 Fax: 215 557-6719
Headquartered in Philadelphia since 1876, Jackson-Cross.ONCOR International is the largest privately owned and managed commercial real estate firm in the region. Our marketing specialists perform in virtually every corner of the world through ONCOR International, allowing us to provide information and services in 30 countries and more than 200 markets. Offices are maintained in Berwyn, Harrisburg, and Allentown, Pennsylvania; Princeton, New Jersey, and Wilmington, Delaware. Proud of our heritage...Focused on the future.
Dallas INVESCO REALTY ADVISORS Ste.1200, 5400 LBJ Fwy. 75240 214 715-7420
SAROFIM REALTY ADVISORS Ste. 300.8201 Preston Rd. 75225 214 692-4200; Fax: 214 692-4222
Houston COVENTRY REALTY ADVISORS, INC. Ste. 1600, 1111 Bagby 77002 713 896-9999 Fax: 713 651-1941
Seattle (a) PINNACLE REALTY MGT. CO. Ste. 110, 401 Second Ave. S. 98104 206 215-9700 Fax: 206 215-9777
Vancouver COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Ste.1600, 200 Granville St. V6C 2R6 604 681-4111 Fax: 604 661-0849