For 40 years now, National Real Estate Investor has reached the movers and the shakers, the decision makers, on America's real estate scene. We've covered the trends that matter to investors, owners, developers, brokers and managers.
In the 1980s, it was the savings & loans and the Resolution Trust Corp. But in the 1990s, the Big Story is Wall Street. It's just hard to ignore the influence of not only billions of dollars of newfound capital for our industry, but also the increasing public ownership of real estate. In other words, when Wall Street speaks, everybody listens.
In fact, it's the reason you're reading this letter in our new quarterly supplement called Wall Street Wrap. It's our way of pulling all of the latest news and views out of this industry segment and presenting it to you in a targeted, easy-to-use format.
In each issue, you'll read about the personalities and the short- and long-term trends that are shaping the Wall Street scene. It's more in-depth and more concise coverage of both the trends and the deals that make The Street such a unique participant in our world.
Welcome to Wall Street Wrap.