CLEVELAND—Intesa Holdings LLC, a joint venture between The Coral Company and Panzica Construction, and OneCommunity have signed an agreement to provide 100 gigabit broadband access to Intesa, a new mixed-use development at University Circle. With the agreement, the Intesa property will be the first private commercial building in the U.S. to offer 100-gigabit speed to its tenants.
Being developed by The Coral Company and Panzica Construction, Intesa will be a mixed-use development that will include technology, office space, apartments, restaurants, green space and parking upon delivery.
Plans for the development, which is slated to break ground next year, includes the construction of three towers, 130,000 sq. ft. of office space and a 100-unit apartment building and an 80-unit residential community. The buildings will be linked by a second-story, 20,000-sq.-ft. technology area, which will house communications and technology firms, and will include a briefing center equipped with showrooms, sales offices and training facilities.
The development will provide access to the RTA Red Line Station serving University Circle and Little Italy.
The network at Intesa will provide Internet connections that are thousands of times faster than what people receive in their homes.