The City of Colorado Springs is soliciting Proposals from firms that are interested in providing Real Estate Services in support of the development of the Airport Business Park. The Scope of Services includes:
1) Real Estate Market Analysis- Commercial Development
Market Demand Analysis and Overall Industry Update
Product Positioning Strategy
Competitive Market Analysis
Implementation and Marketing Approach
2)Economic Feasibility Analysis
3)On-Going Real Estate Consulting Services
Colorado Springs is located in south central Colorado, approximately 70 miles south of Denver, and is the second largest city in the State. Current population of the Colorado Springs area is 533,000, which reflects an increase of 34% since 1990. The Airport is situated on 7,000 acres of land and 1,820 acres of vacant land have been identified as being surplus to the present and future aviation needs of the Airport. The Airport completed a Business Park Master Plan in February 2001 and this proposal will update this study and assist the City in developing a marketing strategy and its implementation.
The Airport Business Park represents an opportunity for the City to control the development of land at the Airport and types of uses to minimize competition with private sector developers while maximize the ability of the City to attract employers who would otherwise be unlikely to located to our community.
The Request for Proposal is available at the City’s website at
Please send all questions to:
Denise Schrock
C/O The City of Colorado Springs-Purchasing and Contracts
30 S. Nevada Avenue
Suite 201
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
or e-mail at [email protected].
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