Meet Our Sustainability Board of Advisors
Just how far have the concepts of green and sustainability reached within the commercial real estate industry? And what does it say when many of the industry’s major associations, owners, investors and developers of commercial property have committed to joining NREI’s Green Real Estate Strategies newsletter’s Sustainability Board of Advisors?
It literally says “billions and billions” because that’s how much square footage of real property these stakeholders represent throughout the United States and abroad. But it also says "trillions" in terms of what the green and sustainable asset base is worth when it comes down to dollars.
We are extremely pleased to introduce our Sustainability Board of Advisors in this edition of Green Real Estate Strategies. Our board members represent a rapidly growing aspect of real estate. They are leading the way toward increasing ROI through sustainable practices, and they’re committed to having a positive impact on the planet as well. As they demonstrate,field of green building and sustainable investment is a dynamic, fast-moving and very promising one.
—Jonathan A. Schein
Practice Leader
National Real Estate Investor/
Penton Sustainability Initiative
Grow Along With NREI at Green Real Estate Strategies
When I asked each member of our new Sustainability Board of Advisors, “Why are you committed to sustainability?” the answers I got were not only insightful, but surprisingly and inspiringly diverse. For commercial real estate, sustainability truly is the next wave—and there is a veritable tsunami’s worth of ways to utilize sustainability to improve everything from ROI to tenants’ productivity to asset value. Here at NREI’s Green Real Estate Strategies newsletter, we hope to explore each and every one of those approaches.
Find out who these innovative leaders are, along with their individual takes on sustainability, by reading why, in their own words, they have each chosen to work to incorporate sustainability into their organizations. But don’t stop there. We invite you, our readers from throughout the commercial real estate and investment world, to tell us what you think. Please share your ideas about sustainability with us and with our board members. Let the dialogue begin.
—Susan Piperato
Editor, Green Real Estate Strategies
Managing Editor, National Real Estate Investor/