The hunger for mergers and acquisitions in the retail sector has picked up in the past few months, as evidenced by the growing interest in the J.Crew transaction. So far, however, most of the deals have involved private equity buyouts of public retailers.
The latest deal to hit the market is unusual in that it will involve Crumbs Bake Shop, a private retailer going public. We featured Crumbs as an exciting new concept in our July/August issue. The $66 million transaction will serve largely to fund Crumbs' future expansion.
For more stories on retail and retail real estate, follow the links below:
- Red Wing Shoes to Open 125 Stores in Next 5 Years (Star Tribune)
- Anchor Blue: The First Teen Retail Casualty of 2011 (Racked)
- Legal Dispute Closes Local Pizza Huts (
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