The stakes have never been higher for commercial real estate borrowers and lenders. With the credit market thaw only in its infancy stage and $1.1 trillion of commercial real estate debt expected to mature over the next three years, the competition for a limited availability of debt financing promises to be fierce. That’s just one of many daunting issues confronting the commercial real estate industry.
NREI’s Sixth Annual Borrower Trends Survey has expanded this year to include the input of not only the borrowers, but also the capital providers. The hot-button issues of the day include the supply and pricing of debt, trends in valuations and loan-to-values, and the role of government in resolving the credit crisis.
To develop an accurate snapshot of the overall lending climate, we need your help. It should only take you a few minutes to complete the survey.
Additionally, you will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for one of two $100 Visa gift cards. Click here to access the sweepstakes rules.
Click here to access the Borrower Trends Survey
Click here to access the survey if you are a lender or financial intermediary.