Daven Gee, a university professor and filmmaker, is producing a documentary, “Our Mall,” exploring why some malls in the Kansas City area died or are in the process of dying. The documentary will look at the Indian Springs mall, among others. In...
Tesco, the third largest retailer in the world, clarified its plans for penetrating the U.S. market. The company plans to aggressively roll out its U.S. venture, Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market, in the Inland Empire in California. There it...
Looking for a sign that this year's holiday shopping season will be slow? Check the back-to-school numbers. As the eight-week-long season (the second most important of the year for retailers) came to a close, it's apparent that sales were down...
Perhaps it is a sign that retail real estate has become a mature industry...
To mark the one-year anniversary of the changeover from Marshall Field's to Macy's, dozens of protesters gathered outside Macy's huge State Street store, suggesting shoppers boycott the retailer and demanding a return of the Field's imprint...
An increasing number of U.S. mall owners are adopting curfews to control teen populations at their properties. But here's an interesting alternative being tried in Canada according to the Edmonton Sun. The device, called ‘Mosquito,’ emits a high...
Since 2001, three Catholic priests have set up a spot at The Citadel Mall in Colorado Springs to hear confessions, according to the Wall Street Journal. The priests, from the Capuchin order, have come to the mall to hear confessions 11 hours a day...