CoStar Group Inc. is taking a deliberate approach in ramping up its retail operations. The company is aiming to add 600,000 retail properties by the end of next year to the 40,000 it has now--much of which came in its recent acquisition of the...
While industry executives continue to express caution about the prospects for retail real estate-they can’t believe it can continue to be this good for much longer-they remain downright ebullient about mixed-use projects. Across the show floor, in...
After nearly three years of amazing performance by the retail real estate business, executives at the annual ICSC convention in Las Vegas were talking almost wistfully about the end of the good old days: Someday soon, they say, this cycle has to ...
Be tough, urged Jack Welch, the colorful former CEO of General Electric, at the Las Vegas Hilton on Sunday afternoon.Welch stressed the behavior that earned him the nickname “Neutron Jack,” telling execs not to be afraid to weed out non-performers...
Increasing talk of a real estate bubble is not fazing industry executives heading into this year’s ICSC Spring Convention. In fact, most think the mood is the most upbeat it’s ever been...
Bernie Haddigan is national director of Marcus & Millichap's National Retail Group, which focuses exclusively on the brokerage of retail investment properties. Haddigan is also a Retail Traffic advisory board member. He was interviewed Thursday b...