Two young men were detained at a national retail store in Dearborn, Mich., asked to hand over the sweaters they were wearing and then were handcuffed. The men hadn't stolen the sweaters or anything else. In another Dearborn store, Frederick Finley...
While the first priority is to sign leases with permanent tenants, it is a good practice to design a temporary tenant program allowing merchants to “test the waters” before committing to a long-term lease. The risk factor is significantly lower...
The next great consumer market isn't on the horizon — it's already here. It is the huge and rapidly growing U.S. Hispanic market, which numbers more than 35.3 million, or 12.5% of the U.S. population, according to Census 2000 figures...
Tucker Development Corp...
September 11, 2001, a day that has changed us, our lives and our world forever...
Retail signage today doesn't stay up as long as it used to. Of course, that's not because signs no longer last as they once did. It's because of the rapid way retail establishments change nowadays. Marketing plans change. Identities need...
Media attention continues to focus on the decline of technology start-ups, including casualties in real estate. Nonetheless, real estate technology hasn't disappeared: A few hardy survivors are hanging tough, building their businesses and dreaming...
The already small number of publicly traded companies involved in commercial net lease financing got much smaller in 2001. As a result, companies that rely on this type of financing — such as retail chains — face a very different market...
Consolidation builds profits for grocers ...