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One of the last options for Oregon's largest city to create the kind of vibrant environment enjoyed by residents of New York, Paris and other cities is ready to launch. The largest and most expensive redevelopment...
What happens when the creative teams behind “Finding Nemo,” “Lara Croft Tomb Raider” and “Dragon Ball” close shop for the day? Real estate developers sneak in and pilfer their software...
Score one for landlords. A New York appellate court has struck down a move by lenders who use the threat of default to force owners to purchase additional terrorism insurance for their buildings. While short of a...
Where is retail real estate headed in 2003? The biggest factor in the equation, of course, is the overall health of the economy. As 2002 drew to a close, rising unemployment, the possibility of war on Iraq and...
For the FOX Sports Grill, a new concept debuting this month in Scottsdale, Ariz., don't think Planet Hollywood. The restaurant/bar is partly owned by Fox Sports Net, but co-owner Ed Freeman, CEO of B&B Restaurant...
Closure of several tenants at one of America's most closely watched entertainment retail venues, Sony Metreon in San Francisco, spawned rumors that the high-tech entertainment center was failing. But perception and...
The story is as old as Hollywood. Boy meets girl. Illness threatens to take girl from boy. Girl gets better and boy and girl live happily ever after. Only in this case it was shopping center owners meet movie theater...
Just about everything is new at San Francisco Music Box Co. — new owners, a new president and even a new store prototype — all part of a strategy to reclaim its position as “the defining musical giftware choice.” ...
Certainly a major attraction of adding residential to retail uses is the provision of a built-in customer base. Unfortunately, convenience isn't everything. Shoppers won't necessarily go to the store down the block...
California may be feeling more than its share of pain from the nationwide recession, but you would never know it from looking at the state's retail industry. Unemployment is at its highest level since 1996, the state...