"There's no question that sustainability is the most pressing issue of our generation—nor that the real estate industry has both the opportunity and obligation to be a key agent for positive change. The investors, owners and operators of real estate that lead sustainability efforts will almost certainly become the leaders of our industry in the coming decades."—Gunnar Branson
Full Biography:
Gunnar Branson is the president and CEO of NAREIM, an association of companies engaged in the real estate investment management business in the United States. Before joining the association in 2011, Branson worked for over 25 years in commercial real estate, professional services sales, product innovation and marketing. In addition to holding leadership roles at companies such as GE Capital Real Estate and Heller Financial, as a consultant he worked with companies such as Jones Lang LaSalle, Wells Fargo and Fidelity to develop new markets and new products including sustainability and energy conservation services. His consulting practice centered on change acceleration and practical innovation. His writings on innovation, finance and commercial real estate can be found at bransonpowers.com