“Sustainability should be considered the standard way of doing things, and not as a unique or special process. Pursuit of sustainability is pursuit of operational excellence. As professionals in this dynamic industry, operational excellence should be our goal.”
—Nicholas Stolatis, Senior Director, Global Sustainability and Enterprise Initiatives, TIAA-CREF
Full Biography:
Nicholas Stolatis is senior director of TIAA-CREF’s Global Sustainability and Enterprise Initiatives. He leads the firm’s European and global sustainability team, which focuses on sustainability and governance for TIAA-CREF’s entire domestic and international real estate equity investment portfolio, which encompasses office, industrial, retail and multifamily properties with a total area in excess of 125 million sq. ft. Stolatis has earned Certified Property Manager, LEED Accredited Professional and Real Property Administrator designations. He is a facilitator for the Institute of Real Estate Management's courses in "Ethics in Real Estate Management" and “Sustainable Real Estate Management,” and is a former instructor in the Building Owners Management Institute’s Real Property Administrator designation program, where he specialized in the “Real Estate Investment and Finance” and “Asset Management” courses.
TIAA-CREF is a national financial services leader and the premier retirement system for education and research employees, currently with approximately $502 billion in assets under management, including approximately $20 billion in real estate investments.